Tuesday, April 19, 2011
NEWS: CMTA Convention
Dan will be speaking at the CMTA Convention on April 29th & 30th in the technology track on topics relating to the subject of Internet Ministry. Dan blends an interesting combination of humor, tech-savvy, and (Schaeffer Influenced) tech-philosophy to his talks. Read more about Dan here on the FSS site.
His two workshops are as follows:
I Clicked on the Internet
A humorous guide to understanding the internet and ministry. This workshop will help the novice understand the basics of interacting with the internet and sharing the Gospel online in meaningful ways.
The Top 5 Things You Need to Go Global
This workshop will provide website resources for web evangelism. Free web tools will be shared to be instantly ready for web evangelism.
Watch for related material as it becomes available and a special free give away for site visitors!
Visit cmtaconvention.org for information on attending!