Wednesday, March 14, 2012


You may know that we began filming a class called The Works Of Francis & Edith Schaeffer and are also working on filming video of our first study project on Schaeffer's True Spirituality. Yet, sometimes taking the path of least resistance produces unforeseen results. Most recently we were asked to teach The Mark Of A Christian, and having just purchased some new video equipment, we realized that we would be able to post the video from this class more quickly than our earlier filmed classes which were filmed in standard definition, due to decreased amount of editing that would be required.

While this is unforeseen, it seems rather providential since The Mark Of A Christian is my favorite work. Yet it is also significant in another way, in that this work is perhaps the key to understanding the basis of Francis & Edith Schaeffer's works. So we are excited to release this lecture series, which we hope will aid people in understanding Schaeffer and encourage people to read him for themselves. Likewise, we hope that churches and ministries will use these videos to educate Christians on the much needed balance of truth and love as Schaeffer taught it.

Careful thought has been given to the accuracy of my personal commentary, and it should be understood that I have tried to stay as true to what Schaeffer was trying to communicate as possible. I of course am human and very prone to error and mistakes, so it is hoped that others will see this as my take on Schaeffer's work and feel free to give me feedback and correction where needed.

The logo depicts Schaeffer's concept of "flaming truth" utilizing a compass cross pointing "true north." Truth here is inseparable with love as depicted by the "the burning heart," which... is how Schaeffer described both the theology of the Reformation (which was waning during the era of the birth of Liberalism) and the heart we should have in evangelism to speak with "concern and truth content." 

Together, they represent the Mark Of A Christian - The proper emphasis and balance of truth and love. Here are the two quotes that we drew upon:

"It must be understood that the new humanism and the new theology have no concept of true truth — absolute truth. Relativism has triumphed in the church as well as in the university and in society. The true Christian, however, is called upon not only to teach truth, but to practice truth in the midst of such relativism. And if we are ever to practice truth, it certainly must be in a day such as ours." ~ Francis Schaeffer

"Christ is the Lord of our whole life, and the Christian life should produce not only truth — flaming truth — but also beauty." ~ Francis Schaeffer

"I believe the reason they capitulated was that their theology was already less than it should have been. By the middle of the eighteenth century in the German universities, the theology of the Reformation, having “the burning heart,” was coming to an end. What remained of orthodox theology had largely become only repetitive. Such a theology, of course, can never stand for long. " ~ Francis Schaeffer

I do not do it just as a duty. I do not have a hard heart but a burning heart. The burning heart is quite proper. Jesus taught His disciples, “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10). "  ~ Francis Schaeffer

Dan Guinn