Tuesday, July 3, 2012


As we celebrate Independence Day here in the United States I find myself reflecting on the greatness of our history and the many blessings we have been given. Yet in the midst of this, a very sober reflection arises. Our culture is in trouble and our freedoms are being lost. Yet this should not take us by surprise, we were told, were we not?

It is often commented that Schaeffer saw so much that his grasp of what was happening in culture gave him a near prophetic perspective, he could see where we are now and he lamented.

What did Schaeffer see that so stirred him to write, lecture, and care so much for people and the decline of western culture? What moved him to both despair and compassion enough to open his home to countless people seeking "reality" and "truth?"

francisschaefferstudies.org brings you a collage of the thought and movements that Schaeffer mentions in The God Who Is There and ask you to consider... what do you see? What will you do?

I challenge you to pray today for our culture, graciously speak the truth into our culture, and step up and teach others to do the same.