Saturday, March 28, 2015
Every once in a while you see that God has answered a prayer so perfectly that you are utterly amazed and truly thankful. Such is the case with the new addition to our team, Paul Reynolds.
In this, our fifth year, we are more busy than we have ever been before. So, it has been the subject of many prayers to add a like-minded student of Francis Schaeffer to our work. Paul Reynolds is that guy. Paul is a graduate of Covenant Theological Seminary and an Associate Pastor of New Hope Presbyterian Church in Olathe, KS.
Paul brings with him a background of study and interest in Francis Schaeffer, and a knowledge of his importance. He asserts that he is not an expert, but a simple conversation shows he has a solid grasp of Schaeffer's thought. As a student at Covenant, he was involved in the student activities of the Francis Schaeffer Institute, and sat under many Schaeffer scholars such as Jerram Barrs, Mark Ryan (Director of the Francis Schaeffer Institute), and adjunct L'Abri teachers such as Dick Keyes. All of whom we highly respect and have learned much from over the years.
Perhaps Paul's most highly valued strength is his warmth, service and a humble depth of knowledge. Jason and myself already greatly appreciate our new friendship with Paul and are excited to see what Paul brings to the team.
Paul will first be assisting me (Dan) directly in various ways under the generic title of Operations Assistant, as we explore his specific gifts and strengths. His first projects will be related to editing various writing projects.
Please join us in welcoming Paul to Francis Schaeffer Studies!
Dan Guinn