Wednesday, January 12, 2011



We finally got the changes applied to the study page:

We found more Schaeffer books, that are not in his works! These are generally works that he published with others. We are finding this information very helpful to clear up some of the questions we had.

In one case in particular we had to do some digging. There is a book called Corruption Vs. True Spirituality which Schaeffer wrote with Vishal Mangalwadi. Some questioned whether it was a foreign publication of True Spirituality. After consulting with Richard Krejcir (Schaeffer's nephew) we find out that Schaeffer was good friends with Vishal and Richard told us that Schaeffer said Vishal was the smartest man he had ever met! They worked together to add another seventy pages or so to True Spirituality under this title. Looks like we got some reading to do! Get more links on the Corruption Vs. True Spirituality book page.


Since we are doing primarily book studies we decided we wanted to have a very extensive book reference as well as be able to easily accommodate the study, glossary, and external resources. Here is an example of what it looks like:

Let us know what you think!

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