Thursday, January 13, 2011

Article: What Difference Can One Man Make?

This is perhaps the question that we all must ask ourselves. Francis Schaeffer continued to think big regarding the work of L'Abri and yet always lived simply and desired the lesser place. He did not thrust himself into the lime light, but rather spoke the truth and let others promote his thinking. His first tapes where recorded by others, his first books were transcribed from his lectures and sent to him, much to his surprise.

When L'Abri started, Schaeffer kept telling his family and those involved with the work, "We have this challenge, if the Lord calls us to it, of being a very small work always. But if He were to make it significant, and a bigger work, to be prepared to accept that, in the same spirit, of just doing God's will, as he leads it."

He had something to say, and was happy to have the opportunity to say it. Yet, he constantly strove to honor God in the totality of life, in an natural and "organic" way and taught others to do the same. Confessing to be flawed like us all, and professing to be sustained by a God who is there and not silent.  This is why we teach Schaeffer. He taught an honest and authentic Christian life for 20th century and beyond.

Check out our Why Schaeffer? page for more resources.

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