Sunday, January 29, 2012


Today, Jan. 30th, 2012, is Francis Schaeffer's 100th birthday. 

We at constantly strive to communicate the value of Dr. Schaeffer's work, a task that can be overwhelming and sometimes nearly impossible to communicate succinctly. Yet, we are determined that if the world does not understand Schaeffer, it will not be for lack of trying on our part. So the following paragraph will be my attempt to encapsulate something of the core reasons why we are remembering Schaeffer on this, his centennial year. I will explain simply by telling you how that he has helped me.

Schaeffer's cultural analysis helped me understand the world and inspired me to go deeper as a Christian at a very critical time in my life. His apologetic inspired a way to engage the non-believer with integrity and sincere compassion, respecting the created order while remaining honoring to God. Yet his two concepts of 1.) Truth & Love, and a 2.) "moment-by-moment" spirituality, have thoroughly transformed my walk with Christ and relationship with others. He is the most significant mentor in my life and more than any other scholar, his works have constantly and consistently lead me to Christ and His Word for the answers against real-world adversity in the whole of life. So let me be plain, the reason I love Dr. Schaeffer, is for how his works have directed me to Christ and aided in helping me understand how to live in a post-Christian world. 

We at have the solid conviction that his thought must be passed on to the next generation. In fact, we feel that it is critical for the future of our culture. Schaeffer's vast mental reach, significant moral character, simple honesty and ability to speak with a near prophetic understanding stand starkly in contrast to so much of what has caused disillusionment with Evangelicalism today. The church as a whole must turn to Schaeffer's maxim of "honest answers to honest questions," else risk losing another generation to secularism. It is our prayer that as we expand this work, that we are able to continue to provide a service to the Francis Schaeffer community to that end.


~ Dan Guinn