Monday, December 17, 2012


This Wednesday, Dec. 19th, 7 PM Central, we'll be on The Razor Swift, an edgy Internet-radio show that seeks to "open hearts and minds through the platform of apologetics" and desires to approach "issues from a different perspective... than just preaching to the choir in the Christianese dialect." The Razor Swift further states that they, "maintain that faith and reason mustn’t necessarily be at odds with each other."
(We can identify with that!)

Now before you get too comfortable, The Razor Swift is not EVEN your daddy's apologetics show... they deal with both the typical and the fringe, so it's likely that if you listen to other shows you could have a "close encounter" with a show on aliens or discussion about whether a Christian can consult a Yogi or not. So with that, we have to say that we both find the show interesting (as in... "They really went there?") and we also want to state that "the views expressed on the show may not necessarily be the views of"

Now nevertheless, despite the disclaimer, one should not forget that there is something very much in line with Schaeffer discussion in the public square on nearly any topic imaginable! The new public square is on-line, and blog-radio is a hot bed. So while subjects may touch the extreme on The Razor Swift at times, we have been asked to give some input on why Schaeffer's works might be helpful, and you know we can't wait to answer that question!

Join us for what is sure to be an enriching and entertaining show!

Check out the facebook event here.

The show will be hosted on Grok Radio at:

Listen to internet radio with Minister Grok on Blog Talk Radio
Call in number: (714) 242-5180

Free Downloads for Callers:

Schaeffer's Apologetic Handout 1
Schaeffer's Apologetic Handout 2
Schaeffer's Apologetic Handout 3

The Works of Francis & Edith Schaeffer Spreadsheet