Saturday, December 29, 2012


Newly Acquired Press Photo
From time to time acquires materials related to Francis Schaeffer, Edith Schaeffer or L'Abri from public vendors in order to archive and study the history behind them. In the past we have acquired a copy of Schaeffer's Wheaton Lectures, numerous books and videos (some in other languages), audio-recordings and photos. We will be doing a series of blog post on various findings in the coming new year. However, we wanted to take a moment and  tell you about a special photo we just recently acquired.

This is a photo of Francis Schaeffer giving a keynote address at the "Congress on the Bible," which met in San Diego March 3-6, 1982. The event was sponsored by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. According to the inscription, "Schaeffer strongly affirmed the importance of Christians' holding to confidence in the complete trustworthiness of the Bible. He added, however, that they must also be willing to accept the Bible's authority in all areas of their lives."

The picture is a wonderful glimpse into the history of Schaeffer's speaking career. It is a 5X7 black and white photo, and here he is pictured with his glasses and an ascot with his trademark chin-beard.

The  conference itself was a "convocation concerned with the power of God's inerrant Word: God's Word affirmed, understood and applied in such a way that the individual, the Church, the community and the world will be transformed." according to the ICBI information on the event.

The content of Schaeffer's lecture entitled What Difference Does Inerrancy Make? can now be found in volume 4 of Schaeffer's complete works as Appendix B to The Church at the End of the Twentieth Century.

Schaeffer was one of the first major and popular Christian teachers to raise awareness on the need for a more public response affirming Biblical Inerrancy. Jason and I spoke with Dr. Norman Geisler, who was on the advisory board with others such as R.C. Sproul, John Gerstner, Greg Bahnsen, at the last ISCA conference where he affirmed as much, crediting Schaeffer's influence on Biblical Inerrancy and apologetics. Both ICBI and ISCA and The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, which Schaeffer signed along with Packer, Boice, Sproul and Henry to name a few, owe a debt to Schaeffer's influence. Schaeffer's ability to bring into the forefront of discussion for the "man on the street" the deeply important concepts around vital issues such as Biblical Inerrancy, has had significant results that are still being felt today. Furthermore, this picture shows that Schaeffer was not consumed with merely politics in the latter years of his life, but that he was working on multiple fronts with many, many others to try to halt, or at least postpone the monolithic advancement of secular humanist thought in our culture.

Yet, we should see something else when we look at this picture. We should see a "real" human being, not one built up by hype or accolades, but one with frailty, but nevertheless drive. Schaeffer was diagnosed with cancer in 1978, by 1982 when this picture was taken, the greater health struggles were already apparent and upon him. Edith notes in her Family Letters (See: Dear Family, pg 339) that Fran was already feeling heavy fatigue in the fall of 1981 where he was regularly speaking and wrapping up writing on A Christian Manifesto. Fran was further wrapping up his writing career and was preparing to release or had already released his Complete Works in 1982 which would only be followed by a publication of a speech he made in Washington D.C. in May of 1982 (almost two years exactly before his death), published in 1983 with other contributors as Who Is For Peace? and his final work The Great Evangelical Disaster published in 1984. Several other works would be published in different forms posthumously (Who is for Peace, The Trilogy, The Finished Work of Christ and Corruption vs. True Spirituality... see our "Works Spreadsheet" for more information on these).

Schaeffer knew he was making a significant contribution in an important time and knew very well his time was nearly up. David Malone of Wheaton College mentions that "Schaeffer felt that he had accomplished more in the last five years of his life than he had in all the years before he had cancer." One can only speculate that the cancer became just another form of fuel for him, to further do and say what God had called him to. When one is confronted with a life or death experience, very often what results is a clarity about what is really important (I mention this from experience). In the end, what I see in this photo is simply a thoughtful man speaking with conviction. Just what you might expect to see of a man like Schaeffer, and that to me, says it all. However, it makes me ask myself a question... "What would you do if you knew your time was limited?"

Dan Guinn

Monday, December 17, 2012


This Wednesday, Dec. 19th, 7 PM Central, we'll be on The Razor Swift, an edgy Internet-radio show that seeks to "open hearts and minds through the platform of apologetics" and desires to approach "issues from a different perspective... than just preaching to the choir in the Christianese dialect." The Razor Swift further states that they, "maintain that faith and reason mustn’t necessarily be at odds with each other."
(We can identify with that!)

Now before you get too comfortable, The Razor Swift is not EVEN your daddy's apologetics show... they deal with both the typical and the fringe, so it's likely that if you listen to other shows you could have a "close encounter" with a show on aliens or discussion about whether a Christian can consult a Yogi or not. So with that, we have to say that we both find the show interesting (as in... "They really went there?") and we also want to state that "the views expressed on the show may not necessarily be the views of"

Now nevertheless, despite the disclaimer, one should not forget that there is something very much in line with Schaeffer discussion in the public square on nearly any topic imaginable! The new public square is on-line, and blog-radio is a hot bed. So while subjects may touch the extreme on The Razor Swift at times, we have been asked to give some input on why Schaeffer's works might be helpful, and you know we can't wait to answer that question!

Join us for what is sure to be an enriching and entertaining show!

Check out the facebook event here.

The show will be hosted on Grok Radio at:

Listen to internet radio with Minister Grok on Blog Talk Radio
Call in number: (714) 242-5180

Free Downloads for Callers:

Schaeffer's Apologetic Handout 1
Schaeffer's Apologetic Handout 2
Schaeffer's Apologetic Handout 3

The Works of Francis & Edith Schaeffer Spreadsheet

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Francis Schaeffer Studies launches it's new social landing page! We are currently upgrading our site, and the social page will serve as our new landing page in the interim. (Note: You can still get to the old site if you need to by clicking on the link in the top menu.)

The social landing page is the beginnings of a special social media dashboard that allows you to easily follow us on your favorite social media without having to search for us on these separate sites. You can easily watch many of our YouTube channel video play-list, read the most recent blog post, and follow our Twitter post straight from the page. Likewise, you can will find the links you need to join us on Facebook and Google+ if you haven't already. In the future we are planning even more ways for interaction that are sure enhance your experience on

In the new site we will release a more extensive Schaeffer database and interactive features that will allow you to interact around the works. We would appreciate your prayers, while we work on these changes in the next year. We've very excited to release this first step in the process.


Saturday, November 10, 2012


In May of this year (2012, as of the writing of this post), we visited The Francis Schaeffer Collection at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and interviewed Dr. Bruce A. Little (Director, Custodian) and Dr. Bill Youngmark (Archivist) about the collection. It's taken some time, and there were a lot of details that needed to be worked out, in addition to production difficulties that needed to be overcome. Yet we are finally able to release the video, an interview-based documentary, on the Francis Schaeffer Collection at SEBTS. We were granted special access to the collection to report on the ongoing work and we are very excited and relieved to finally show it to you. 

While at the collection we also collected footage for our documentary on the Schaeffer's Wheaton Lectures which is another project we are working on. We hope to follow up this collection video in the future when we check back with Dr. Little for additional details and findings. 

Please note that Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) has custodianship of the Francis Schaeffer Collection which is owned by the Francis A. Schaeffer Foundation of which Udo Middelmann is the president. As part of the contract between the Schaeffer Foundation and SEBTS, the seminary will digitize the collection after which a copy of the digitized material will be given for study purposes to the Schaeffer Foundation study program in Gryon, Switzerland and the Hill House in Austin, Texas.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Editor’s Note: We’re talking today with David Leigh, the author of Presupposing: How to Defend the Faith - The Methods of Francis A. Schaeffer and Cornelius Van Til. Recently Rev. Leigh shared with a rare published interview he conducted with Francis Schaeffer in 1981. Download the Interview here.

Can you give us a bit of information about your background and how you came to interview Schaeffer in 1981?

It's funny for me to look back on this interview and see how green I was in those days as a writer, editor, and novice Schaeffer initiate. The publication, Commonlife: A Magazine Concerning Church Reform, was the product of a ministry in north-central Ohio, then called Grace Haven Fellowship, which was greatly influenced at the time by L'Abri. Despite my poor editing and interviewing skills, I was the magazine’s editor. I was fresh out of college, worked part-time on the magazine staff, and part-time on the campus ministry team. The director there had been to the Swiss L'Abri and knew Francis. So when we heard about L'Abri having a conference in Rochester he sent me to meet and interview Francis, Edith, Ranald, and Udo. The magazine had a tiny audience of less than 2000 readers and was principally aimed at a circle of house churches that called themselves the Assembly of Covenant Churches.

From the article we can see this interview took place after Schaeffer's A Christian Manifesto was released. Edith released her book, The Tapestry, in 1981 as well. Also, I understand that at this time Schaeffer was working on the compiling of his complete works. Can you add to this information a little about the historical context of this interview?

Francis actually announced the publication of his collected works at this conference. I was there when he explained he’d been working on reviewing and updating his works. He lamented that he wished he could update some of the language to be more inclusive, but that it was too massive an undertaking to thoroughly revise so many volumes.

Schaeffer had been diagnosed with lymphoma in 1978. How did his health seem at this time?

At that time he appeared healthy and in good spirits. As you can see from the picture I took of him, he had even put on some weight.

I will never forget the lunch I had with Francis and Edith in preparation for the interview. We were standing in line at the cafeteria of the school where the conference took place. Edith chirped in: “Fran! We forgot our name tags! They won’t feed us without our name tags!”

“Edith,” Francis replied, with an air of assurance and authority, “they will feed us. We’re the reason all these people are here!”

“But Fran!” she shot back, “These cafeteria workers don’t know that. They don’t know us from a hole in the ground.”

“Edith,” he said, raising his squeaky voice, “if they don’t know us from a hole in the ground then there’s no hope, no hope!”

We laughed and, sure enough, the cafeteria workers posed no problem to getting our food.

We sat down to eat and Edith noticed Francis wasn’t eating everything on his tray. No doubt his cancer treatments were affecting his appetite.

“Fran!” she exclaimed. “The doctor says you have to eat!”

“Edith!” he said. “Will you let me do it my way!”

What was your impression of Schaeffer upon talking to him in person?

They were both so real and down to earth! It was amazing to me that I could feel so instantly comfortable with these famous authors I’d admired for so long from afar. As you can see by the conversation at lunch, they were sometimes comical and they possessed a great sense of humor; they were very real people.

A month or two later, when the Schaeffers were back in Switzerland and I was preparing an excerpt from one of Edith’s books to run in Commonlife, I needed to ask Edith a question. My publisher gave me a phone number to call and I dialed it expecting to talk with an admin, a secretary, or some kind of housekeeper. Francis picked up the phone! Here I was on an international call with the man I considered a living legend, and I had to say, “Hi Francis … is Edith home?”

Francis was again as down to earth and authentic as it gets. He explained to me that Edith was up in the mountains working on her next book. “We have a cabin up there,” he explained. “Whenever one of us is writing, we find it’s best to go there away from telephones and interruptions.” Then he made a remark I will never forget, because it hit me as an aspiring writer.

“Ironically,” he said, “we’ve found we have to remove ourselves from the Christian life in order to write about it.”

We laughed. We both knew that one does not stop being a Christian by seeking solitude. But I understood what he meant. The inference was that without Christian community the Christian life is incomplete. That is how they lived.

In the interview, Schaeffer seems chiefly concerned with Evangelical "accommodation" across the board, where the church has failed to stand on issues from scripture to politics, to human life. Noting the accommodation in the crisis in the Liberal/Modernist controversies of the 30s, he saw it still at work in the 1980s. Do you think he would be stronger on this point today?

Personally, I think he’d say we’ve lost ground in many ways today. He was indeed concerned about the compromise of Christian truth and values. But in my opinion he was just as concerned about Evangelicals falling short in regards to love—balanced love that confronts as readily as it comforts. He saw loving, Christian community as a kind of apologetic in itself that couldn’t be replaced by intellectual arguments—not that arguments didn’t have an important place. But I think he’d be concerned about the state of community in Evangelical churches today as much as our role in the broader world community. I also suspect he would lament the lack of intellectual development or progress among so many of those who have waved the Evangelical banner in politics over the past few years, and the reduction of that word to a political term in the minds of so many Americans today.

With regards to the abortion issue, I have a friend, Christa March, who is the founding president of Teen Mother Choices International. She tells me that TCMI is the only international Christian organization that works specifically with Evangelical churches in providing teenage moms assistance in keeping and raising their babies. I think Francis would weep with Christa over the lack of love-in-action ministries like this one. I think he would say being pro-life is more than being pro-birth and that Evangelicals still have a long way to go with regards to making this kind of biblical compassion the norm of our communities.

In spite of the accommodation that Schaeffer saw, his prescription seemed to convey a theme that was a regular part of his works, indicating a constant need for truth and love. He noted that in the 1930s, there was a failure to love in the midst of controversy. He states, "If you believe these things are true, then truth brings confrontation and it must be with love. And the separatists forgot the love part and it wiped us out. We've paid a price for 30 years for that. But while if you leave out the love you lose, and you are not what you should be in the world, on the other hand if you forget that truth brings confrontation it is equally destructive. So I think this is the real problem." How important do you think Schaeffer's emphasis on truth and love is today, 31 years after this interview?

I think it is more critical than ever. It seems to me we keep repeating the same mistakes. Our infighting and our partisanships in the political arena, in the blogosphere, and on social networking websites, for example, make us a spectacle for skeptics to use against the gospel. Our accommodation to secular political philosophies and agendas divides us, mitigating against the love we should have for each other, and therefore keeping us unprepared for effectively reaching those who don’t know Christ. How can we lovingly confront an atheist or a Muslim or any unbeliever when we have yet to learn how to treat each other as Christians in ways that bear fruit? As a result, we come across as hostile to each other and we have not begun to love our unsaved neighbors because we let worldly political passions get in the way.

Francis knew well how stinging the criticism of fellow believers could be—even before Facebook! As I outline in my book, Presupposing, Schaeffer struggled continually with criticism, even from Christians in his own denomination and tradition, men like Cornelius Van Til, whom he respected and whose insights he sought. He kept trying to build bridges, not burn them down. Even so, early in his ministry he realized he would have to go forward at times regardless of how others might try to knock him down, even if it meant going it alone at times.

You asked Schaeffer about the Moral Majority, and although he felt they were "coming from the right side" and were "providing a good mentality" he did not agree with everything they had said and done at that time, and he did feel that there were some shortfalls in the area of balance. Do you think Schaeffer was seeing the limitations of the movement even though it was just two years old at the time?

I think he knew better than to give blind allegiance to any political movement. I have always admired his earlier position of being a selective cobelligerent in matters of social action with regards to potential allies we might find in the political arena. It seemed to me, though, that he felt the options were limited at that time. If there was any hesitation on Schaeffer’s part when it came to becoming identified with the Moral Majority, I think this too flowed from the logical outworking of the foundations he’d laid in his earlier works.

Schaeffer's statement, "you are not a New Testament church if there isn't community" is rather moving. He seems to take a good deal of time and labor to carefully define what he means by this. How important do you think this concept was to him?

Part of that emphasis in this interview was because the magazine that sent me had a strong interest in intentional Christian community. But then, I’ve never seen Francis be less than passionate about any of his convictions.

One of the things so amazing about L’Abri in those days was that it offered a living model for how Christians might live in biblical community. Some groups that sought to imitate L’Abri had been part of a Jesus Movement mentality that sometimes experimented with communal practices bordering on—and sometimes crossing the line into—being communes. He didn’t want to be mistaken as endorsing that. Yet, he lamented the lack of biblical community in the mainstream churches. Many “doctrinally correct” churches lacked love between members, let alone love for the lost. As in all his convictions, Francis stressed a radical balance that carefully traversed an isthmus between errors.

Schaeffer, although seeing a lot of despair coming through the 60s, sees a good degree of hope in the 80s. Yet he also has some reservations about a dominant question on his mind. He seems to be asking, "Will Christians actually do anything about the understanding and comprehension they have gained in the Christian worldview? Will they truly act upon it? Has Christianity been stirred sufficiently?" Here again we seem to be seeing some of the near "prophetic" perspective that Schaeffer had. How did this aspect of the interview strike you?

How it struck me then and how it strikes me now are quite different. At the time I was a wide-eyed 21-year-old kid who couldn’t believe he was talking with Francis Schaeffer. If I hadn’t taken a tape recorder, I doubt I’d have remembered key parts of the interview ten minutes after it was over. Nor do I think I fully understood everything he was saying while he was talking.

Looking back, however, I think Schaeffer would say I was no exception when it came to the church’s deficient understanding of how it should be involved in the world. Like me, the church had a long way to go in comprehending our needed role in social justice and political action. I think we all still have a long way to go. After all, we have an investment in not understanding, as it seemingly let’s us off the hook and allows us to remain either uninvolved or involved in the wrong things.

What saddens me most, and what I suspect would sadden him, is that the church today rarely seems to be speaking prophetically to the politics of the world. We are shaped by, rather than shaping, the political arena. Instead of being selective about whom we become cobelligerents with (and when), so many Christians uncritically embrace the political rhetoric of the right and the left, allowing themselves to be shaped and swept up in unloving behavior rooted in partisanship and worldly philosophies. I think Schaeffer would urge us instead to start from and be guided by the scriptural principles of a thoroughly Christian worldview, rather than swallowing secular ideologies whole or in part and then baptizing them as “Evangelical.”

What do you think we should take away from this interview with Schaeffer?

Let’s get back to being the New Testament church. Let’s stop compromising and accommodating to fit in politically or culturally. Let’s get back to binding truth to love, and faith to practice.

Friday, August 31, 2012

FALL CLASS STARTING! WHO IS WATCHING? is excited to announce it's fall class on The Church Before The Watching World, starting this Sunday, Sept. 2nd at Redeemer Presbyterian Church. As you may have noticed we are still working steadily on the video of our spring class of The Mark Of A Christian, so you may see video being released of both through the end of the year and early into spring. We will also be working on filming of some earlier class material that has not yet been recorded that we will start releasing before the end of the year in honor of the Francis Schaeffer Centennial! So be on the lookout for that.

The Church Before The Watching World continues to expand on the concepts we explored in our spring class, but in greater depth and a broader subject base. Schaeffer had numerous works on the subject of the church, starting with his third work Death In The City. Yet in 1970-71 he published three significant works on the church: The Church At The End Of The Twentieth Century, The Mark Of A Christian, and The Church Before The Watching World. It is telling that in 1971 he also published his landmark work on spirituality, True Spirituality. There is no doubt that the connection between True Spirituality and Schaeffer's Ecclesiology is significant.

Schaeffer published his final work, The Great Evangelical Disaster, in 1984. What subject did he choose? His last message was to the church. Therein he indicates a dissatisfaction that the Biblical principles he had spent his entire life teaching had still gone largely unheeded by the church. With this study we seek to go back and look at what he was trying to communicate earlier on. 

As with all of our classes, the desire is to encourage others to read Schaeffer's works for themselves and provide a means for others to pass the works of Schaeffer on to the next generation. Please keep us in your prayers as we further expand this mission.     

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Occasionally in our work we find that people sometimes may be confused or have questions about who we are and what we do, so we feel that from time to time it is important that we review what we are about. The following will help explain our guiding principles: 

What is Francis Schaeffer Studies?

  • is a fan site founded in 2011 to promote the study of the works of Francis and Edith Schaeffer.
  • FSS was founded to assist in passing the works of Francis & Edith Schaeffer to the next generation and make their thought and teaching more accessible for general inquiry.
  • FSS is a service to the Francis Schaeffer and L’Abri community. We both promote and serve by creating web content such as social media promotions, graphics and videos.

How do you promote the works of Francis & Edith Schaeffer?

  • We create studies around their works.
  • We film classes on their works.
  • We promote their works through our website by providing a reference for all of their books.
  • We promote their works on social media such as Facebook by providing both a discussion group and fan pages, Twitter, YouTube, and our blog.
  • We produce content and materials such as graphics, promotional and documentary videos and other web related projects for other Schaeffer related ministries and promote them.
  • We occasionally have events to this end.

What are your affiliations?

  • Most of us are members of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Overland Park, KS and thus submit to the guidance and leadership of our pastors and elders. All of the classes on Schaeffer’s works are filmed at Redeemer unless otherwise noted.
  • We must clarify that we are NOT a part of L'Abri or in any way officially associated with the estate of Francis Schaeffer or the ministry of L'Abri International. However, we are in contact with L'Abri and do seek their guidance and input in regard to the site. In accordance with Eph. 5:21, "submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ," we humbly submit to the insight and guidance of the L'Abri leadership for the cause of Christ, and properly respecting the legacy of Francis & Edith Schaeffer. We feel very strongly about this, as we believe in many respects the "real work" is going on in the various locations of L'Abri throughout the world, where the various Biblical principles taught by Schaeffer are daily being put into practice. Many, many people have been transformed by the witness of L'Abri, as it's workers invite people to come and live with them and experience Christian community. It is our aim to simply promote and share these teachings and provide a free service to L'Abri and the Francis Schaeffer community.
  • THE FRANCIS SCHAEFFER COLLECTION? Recently, as of this writing we have been doing a lot of work in regard to the Francis Schaeffer Collection. We are not officially connected with the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture or Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, The Francis Schaeffer Foundation, or Hill House. All of our work has been done under the guidance and direction of Dr. Bruce A. Little to freely promote the collection and the importance these materials are to the next generation of scholars.
  • We are likewise not officially associated with any other Schaeffer related ministry, even though we might actively promote them.

How are you funded?

  • At this time we are funded by our own out of pocket money and by prayer.
  • Since we are web, graphic, and video professionals, we do all of the work in-house and at our own time and expense, if any is required.
  • In the two years of service God has provided by sometimes providentially giving paid work for businesses or other ministries to us personally which we have then appropriated to the most immediate need. One example of this is when Dan needed his copy of the complete works of Francis Schaeffer. He prayed and God provided a web job at just the right time that paid for the amount needed. As we have learned from the L’Abri example, God provides what we need.

Why are you doing this?

  • Firstly, because we believe scripture instructs us to remember our leaders. Here are our three guiding verses:
    • Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith. (Hebrews 13:7 ESV)
    • Further instruction in this role of “imitating their faith”:
      • Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. (Philippians 3:17 ESV)
    • Paul instructs as to why we should imitate him:
      • Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. (1 Corinthians 11:1-2 ESV)
  • Secondly, we are doing this because Francis and Edith’s works are so important. There are numerous reasons that we could state here, but in short, it is because their works teach these important points and more:
    • an emphasis on the inerrancy of scripture
    • the Biblical emphasis on the dignity of mankind
    • an understanding of true-truth and substantial truth for life and godliness
    • a moment-by-moment spirituality that brings reality in the Christian walk
    • an intellectual apologetic that engages both the heart and the mind
    • the belief in honest answers to honest questions
    • the call to a life of prayer
    • a proper Christian worldview and worldview thinking
    • a cultural apologetic that engages culture and informs the mind
    • the application of Biblical truth to the whole of life, even government
    • and last but not least, the final apologetic, the practice and balance of living out an observable love toward true Christians without compromise as a demonstration to a watching world, and standing for Biblical truth without compromise in the midst of a post-Christian culture.
Where can I find Francis Schaeffer Studies?

Friday, August 17, 2012


The first graphic.
Over just a weekend 170,000 people viewed the graphic on the left produced by, and it was shared over 3,000 times in the first several days. In the following week the graphic and it's variations (see below) were shared nealy 15,000 times with a reach of over 1.2 million people. This was no promotional stunt, it actually took us a bit by surprise. Yet we knew we struck a nerve.

What the graphic points out is an important logical fallacy in those that believe that when some one says they are wrong or disagrees with them that it automatically equals hatred. We also believe this graphic cuts both ways, as sometimes Christians may be affirming something that is not true by their actions.

For those not fond of the Papyrus font.
Our primary goal at is to communicate the thought and teachings of Francis and Edith Schaeffer and encourage others to read their books for themselves. Yet one of the core tenants in Schaeffer's thinking is engaging culture. So I am confident that Schaeffer would not have us promoting his works and yet standing idle and silent on the side lines. Schaeffer shows in his works that it is paramount that we are constantly speaking into culture. So as students of Schaeffer's works we constantly seek opportunities to do just that in the most gracious way that we can. We believe that confronting culture does not mean we have to lower ourselves to brutally attacking others or engaging in a mere war of words. We believe that being discerning, listening, using wisdom and precise words can sometimes make more headway toward making people think and changing people's opinion than argumentation alone.

I disagree is not hate either.
If you missed all the controversy, when Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy offered his own personal views on the national debate over same-sex marriage he was immediately tried, convicted, and sentenced in the media. Further still, several elected officials came out stating that they would ban Chick-fil-A from their area and block them. Several have since had to recant on that, since that is illegal in America. This had many Christians  wondering, how could this be happening? How can one of the most well known philanthropist be falsely targeted for hate. What if all institutions in America that object to same-sex marriages were treated the same way? Could the government begin rejecting evangelical churches from their area? For that matter, why aren't Muslim and Jewish groups being targeted with the same ridicule?

Tranlated into Portuguese Mateus Scherer Cardoso .
Christians everywhere rose to the defense of Dan Cathy on principle. As soon as we thought about the debate and what was being said we questioned how can we best assist Christians in speaking into this debate? How can we speak to non-Christians and help them understand the illogical leap to false judgment they are making in reference to Christians? The graphic was the result.

Schaeffer indicated in A Christian Manifesto that we have a short window of opportunity to speak into our culture before the window is completely shut. The time is now to speak up, speak intellegently, and with discernment. All along we should realize that we are dealing with real people, with real problems.

Lest we get too full of ourselves and our clever arguments, we also need to reflect and lament that the Church is also guilty of not protecting the family. 47% of Christian families said pornography is a problem in their home. (Focus on the Family Poll, October 1, 2003) The Internet was a significant factor in 2 out of 3 divorces. (American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers in 2003 - This is a discussion that needs to take place in the public square and within our homes. We must not take it lightly or merely assign all the blame to the current liberal mindset. We must lament that we too have our share of blame.

Schaeffer outlined important steps toward changing culture in his work True Spirituality. It starts with the person dealing with the results and bonds of sin and then on to our relationships. As our relationships are changed it goes on to our family and then to our church and then to our culture and finally into our government. It is our prayer that we rediscover True Spirituality in America.

Where can you find the graphics and share?

Additional work:

See also this reply to "So You Still Think Homosexuality is Sinful."


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


As we celebrate Independence Day here in the United States I find myself reflecting on the greatness of our history and the many blessings we have been given. Yet in the midst of this, a very sober reflection arises. Our culture is in trouble and our freedoms are being lost. Yet this should not take us by surprise, we were told, were we not?

It is often commented that Schaeffer saw so much that his grasp of what was happening in culture gave him a near prophetic perspective, he could see where we are now and he lamented.

What did Schaeffer see that so stirred him to write, lecture, and care so much for people and the decline of western culture? What moved him to both despair and compassion enough to open his home to countless people seeking "reality" and "truth?" brings you a collage of the thought and movements that Schaeffer mentions in The God Who Is There and ask you to consider... what do you see? What will you do?

I challenge you to pray today for our culture, graciously speak the truth into our culture, and step up and teach others to do the same.

Saturday, June 30, 2012


As we return to our video work we are creating new Youtube channel play list for several of our projects and one of which is the Francis Schaeffer Collection. Our goal for this playlist is to document the ongoing developments in the archival work on the Francis Schaeffer Collection at the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

We hope to provide several updates each year as new developments happen in this important process. Watch for new videos and interviews as they become available.

Watch the playlist here:

Please pray for us as we work on our many projects the remainder of this, Schaeffer's Centennial year.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Click to View Slideshow
Jason and I will be flying to D.C. Sunday morning May 13th, and then driving through Virginia to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture) in NC, to visit the FRANCIS SCHAEFFER COLLECTION. Jason and I have been granted special access to film/photograph in the collection (with restrictions due to the legal arrangement with the Francis Schaeffer Foundation) and will be privileged to interview Dr. Little again. We will also be blessed to stay on campus at SEBTS, which is a real blessing. We are very honored to have this opportunity. ~ As you may know, we created a promotional video for the collection earlier this year, as well as did an initial interview with Dr. Little for the Francis Schaeffer Centennial via Skype. Our work next week will be a follow-up on this interview, record Dr. Little for the Legacy project, and to shoot footage to further document the collection and the work being done. It is our hope to continue ongoing coverage of the findings as the collection is further analyzed. This will take some time as the collection contains over 50,000 pieces, so we anticipate this being an ongoing project over many years. You can watch the previous interviews on our new Francis Schaeffer Collection YouTube Channel Playlist:

Sunday, April 29, 2012



Many are not aware that before Schaeffer wrote The God Who Is There or any of his other major works, he began traveling and teaching a series of lectures at several key universities that would change everything and launch his writing career. One of these lectures was given at Wheaton College starting on September 27th and lasting through October 1st, 1965. Fortunately, these lectures were transcribed and preserved for future study by the students at Wheaton. Francis Schaeffer has acquired a copy of this important work and is performing ongoing research to share with you. Watch for this important documentary series and our numerous other projects.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


The debate still continues about Schaeffer with all of it's nuances. I often wonder if there is any Christian scholar more misunderstood or often misrepresented than Francis Schaeffer. Recently, I was reading a post by Barry Hankin's called "The Mark of a Schaefferite : The Lasting Legacy of Francis Schaeffer." Barry Hankins also wrote a book called "Francis Schaeffer and the Shaping of Evangelical America." One of the problems I am seeing as I read these "legacy" type articles is often that they seem to make certain assumptions about Schaeffer purely on the word of his son Franky. Someone who is obviously openly hostile and seems to have a chip on his shoulder in my opinion. Moreover, I venture that critics have not read much of Schaeffer themselves. I am not saying this is the case with Mr. Hankins, but I think that if a scholar reads enough, they just might change their mind.

Now barring any opinions floating about, one of the things that we have discovered about Schaeffer is that he documents why he writes things, one need merely read him in his own words to get the story. In fact he writes a concise little article called How I Have Come To Write My Books, which can be found in his booklet, Introduction to Francis Schaeffer, a study guide to a trilogy. Likewise, Edith Schaeffer is an invaluable resource for learning how the works came about. So I wonder if some authors are going off of their own presuppositions and not doing their homework. Yet then again, perhaps they have and they have just formed their own opinion.

Now as I was reading Barry Hankin's article, I was struck by the fact that it contained many of the prevailing matters I often hear debated. So I decided to reply. My point here is not so much to take exception with Mr. Hankins but to show that I believe there are some other alternatives to the opinions that are being formed and propagated about Schaeffer. I believe they are worth examining before making judgments or characterizations that could serve to distort Schaeffer's legacy, but perhaps that is too late.

While I think the article by Mr. Hankins tries to be favorable, the problem is that I believe there are indeed some historical inaccuracies here. So graciously and respectfully, I would like to point out what I believe are errors:

1. )  "The answer lies in Schaeffer’s having been a complex individual with a wacky son" says Hankins.

The image of Franky spurring on his father is a myth propagated by Franky. Rick Pearcy suggested to Franky to tell his father to do an historical reply to the prevailing historical revisionism being put forward (Kenneth Clark, and Jacob Bronowski to be exact), and this became How Should We Then Live. Franky never mentions this. If one researches How Should We Then Live (see Francis Schaeffer an Authentic Life by Colin Duriez) you will find that Schaeffer had hoped to do this all along and he had told Edith this. So Franky's suggestion only solidified it for him. I am not saying he had no part in influencing his father. I am saying that the picture of him being thrust into the situation and polluted by his son is simply false. See my article here:

2. ) "There, he found Europeans not much impressed with American fundamentalist heresy hunting. " says Hankins.

While this has some plausibility, it is really an oversimplification. The more pressing reasons for his resignation and the start of L'Abri were wrapped up in the denominational in-fighting of the time they were on furlough in the states and where he was teaching "True Spirituality." Much to his surprise, it was not always well received, many in his denomination mistakenly perceived it was politically motivated.

3. ) Hankins states that one of the goals of L'Abri was to "argue young people into the Kingdom of God."

This wording is a mistake as it could be taken to imply that Schaeffer was a Rationalist, and he was not. He simply believed that a persons faith corresponded to the real world.

4. ) Hankins states that He Is There And He Is Not Silent is one of "Schaeffer’s first three books." 

This may have been a mere editing oversight but, He Is There And He Is Not Silent is not Schaeffer's third book, Death In The City is his third book and "He is There..." was not published until 1972. See Schaeffer's "How I Have Come to Write My Books" where he talks about how  he wished that he had published it third, but he did not. It is however the third book in the trilogy.

5. )  "Schaeffer’s career took another dramatic turn in 1974 when his twenty-two year-old son Franky talked him into making their first film, Whatever Happened to the Human Race?"

The book that Franky urged Schaeffer to do first was How Should We Then Live? in 1976. As stated earlier, although he did urge him, the idea was suggested by Rick Pearcy. Whatever Happened to the Human Race? I believe was published in 1979 not 74.

6. ) "More important than the film itself was the shift in Schaeffer’s tone."

This is of course a matter of opinion, but I would argue that it is inaccurate. One merely need to read Death In The City to hear many of the same tones from Schaeffer. In that book he address politics in passing at various times as well.

7. ) "Schaeffer began to call for the defeat of secular humanists, not their conversion"

Again, the same objection as #6. However, this statement is caustic and is simply untrue. Schaeffer never lost his evangelical emphasis. If he had, he would not have organized his combined works to show that he was pushing forward an entire concept... "The Lordship of Christ in every area of life... even politics." He comments on this goal in the preface of to A Christian Manifesto. His dedication of the book to Samuel Rutherford should also not be overlooked, for he says..."he has meant much to me for many years." Likewise, his book The Great Evangelical Disaster represents a significant evangelical ecclesiology.

These are respectfully, my opinion and I offer them for your consideration as I hope that Schaeffer scholars will consider that there are plausible answers in the midst of the ongoing debate. Thus I humbly submit to Mr. Hankins what I believe are errors in his interpretation of Schaeffer's legacy.

~ Dan Guinn

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


You may know that we began filming a class called The Works Of Francis & Edith Schaeffer and are also working on filming video of our first study project on Schaeffer's True Spirituality. Yet, sometimes taking the path of least resistance produces unforeseen results. Most recently we were asked to teach The Mark Of A Christian, and having just purchased some new video equipment, we realized that we would be able to post the video from this class more quickly than our earlier filmed classes which were filmed in standard definition, due to decreased amount of editing that would be required.

While this is unforeseen, it seems rather providential since The Mark Of A Christian is my favorite work. Yet it is also significant in another way, in that this work is perhaps the key to understanding the basis of Francis & Edith Schaeffer's works. So we are excited to release this lecture series, which we hope will aid people in understanding Schaeffer and encourage people to read him for themselves. Likewise, we hope that churches and ministries will use these videos to educate Christians on the much needed balance of truth and love as Schaeffer taught it.

Careful thought has been given to the accuracy of my personal commentary, and it should be understood that I have tried to stay as true to what Schaeffer was trying to communicate as possible. I of course am human and very prone to error and mistakes, so it is hoped that others will see this as my take on Schaeffer's work and feel free to give me feedback and correction where needed.

The logo depicts Schaeffer's concept of "flaming truth" utilizing a compass cross pointing "true north." Truth here is inseparable with love as depicted by the "the burning heart," which... is how Schaeffer described both the theology of the Reformation (which was waning during the era of the birth of Liberalism) and the heart we should have in evangelism to speak with "concern and truth content." 

Together, they represent the Mark Of A Christian - The proper emphasis and balance of truth and love. Here are the two quotes that we drew upon:

"It must be understood that the new humanism and the new theology have no concept of true truth — absolute truth. Relativism has triumphed in the church as well as in the university and in society. The true Christian, however, is called upon not only to teach truth, but to practice truth in the midst of such relativism. And if we are ever to practice truth, it certainly must be in a day such as ours." ~ Francis Schaeffer

"Christ is the Lord of our whole life, and the Christian life should produce not only truth — flaming truth — but also beauty." ~ Francis Schaeffer

"I believe the reason they capitulated was that their theology was already less than it should have been. By the middle of the eighteenth century in the German universities, the theology of the Reformation, having “the burning heart,” was coming to an end. What remained of orthodox theology had largely become only repetitive. Such a theology, of course, can never stand for long. " ~ Francis Schaeffer

I do not do it just as a duty. I do not have a hard heart but a burning heart. The burning heart is quite proper. Jesus taught His disciples, “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10). "  ~ Francis Schaeffer

Dan Guinn

Monday, February 20, 2012


As part of the Francis Schaeffer Centennial Celebration we were honored to interview Dr. Bruce Little, the director of the Francis Schaeffer Collection at the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture at SEBTS. Dr. Little shared how Schaeffer influenced him, as well as gave an update on the early findings from the Francis Schaeffer Collection. You'll want to watch the interview to learn how the L. Russ Bush Center received the Schaeffer papers as well as initial discoveries that have been made such as a  forgotten and unreleased Schaeffer film.

As you may recall, we were privileged to create a video for the Francis Schaeffer Collection as well. This video highlights the event itself and contains an interview with Udo Middleman and actual photos depicting the archiving process that is underway on the Francis Schaeffer Collection.

We think you will be delighted to watch both videos!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


We were overjoyed to have Dr. Groothuis with us for the Francis Schaeffer Centennial via Skype. It was definitely a highlight of the event. His insight into Schaeffer and his relevance in apologetics today needs to be heard. What people often forget about Schaeffer is that he was a catalyst. He did not seek to be exhaustive in his explorations of various fields of study, but he did seek to be honest and to motivate the church to explore these things for themselves.

For men like Doug Groothuis, Schaeffer provided a spark that would create a passion for truth and a restoration of the integrity of Christian thinking. The ripples of which are still being felt.

The Outline for Doug's Talk:
Download Outline

Links for Doug:

Books by Doug:

Monday, February 6, 2012


The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture is presenting 100 days of Schaeffer on Facebook and Twitter. You can follow along as they present memorable quotes and scholarly comments for 100 days straight!

Here is what they have presented already!

Day 1 - David Wells on Schaeffer's 100th bday; "Schaeffer inspired us as he engaged the artists, musicians and philosophers of his day. It was not so much the engagement itself that moved us as the realization of how great and grand is the truth which God has given us, one that is large enough and deep enough to speak to every human situation. At L’Abri, we were talking about reality in a way that was authentic."

Day 2 - Jeremy Begbie on Schaeffer's 100th bday; "Francis Schaeffer was a man for his time, who could energise countless Christians into a cultural engagement they would never have imagined possible had they not met him. His influence was incalculable."

Day 3 - David Naugle on Schaeffer's 100th; "How many of us have received our initial Christian aesthetic inspiration from FAS and Art and the Bible. I did. Thanks be to God… for him."

“The Christian is the one whose imagination should fly beyond the stars.” Francis A. Schaeffer, Art and the Bible (Downers Grove: IVP, 1973), p. 61.

Day 4 - Timothy George on Schaeffer's 100th: Francis Schaeffer had a great influence on my life as a young Christian. Though I met him only briefly, I devoured everything he wrote and listened on tape to many of his talks from L’Abri. Schaeffer showed me that it was possible to engage fully with issues of life and culture including art, music, philosophy, and history, without abandoning “the faith once delivered to the saints.” In these and other ways, Francis Schaeffer taught me the meaning of what I believed.

Day 5 - Danny Akin on Schaeffer: Francis Schaeffer taught us the presence and importance that presuppositions play in the makeup of our worldview. What we value and how we live are inescapably influenced by these realities. Schaeffer also taught us how to expose presuppositions, critique them, and in light of God revealed truth, transform them.

Day 6 - Francis Schaeffer, True Spirituality, “God commands that we should assemble ourselves together until Jesus comes (Hebrews 10:25). . . Christianity is an individual thing, but it isn’t only an individual thing. There is to be true community, offering true spiritual and material help to each other. . . The local church or Christian group should be right in its teaching, but it should also be beautiful. The local groups should be the example of the supernatural, of the substantially healed relationship in this present life between people.”

Day 7 - “Our calling is to exhibit the existence of God and to exhibit his character, individually and collectively. God is holy and God is love, and our calling is simultaneously to show forth holiness and love in every aspect of life—as parent and child, as husband and wife, in business, in our Christian organization, in the church, in government, in everything—an exhibition of the character of God showing forth his holiness and love simultaneously.” Schaeffer, The Great Evangelical Disaster, 351–352.

Follow the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture on Facebook and Twitter for more!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


As you probably know by now, yesterday (as of the time of this writing), Jan. 30th, was Francis Schaeffer's 100th birthday. Yet, what was astonishing was the vast celebration that transpired on the web. So many scholars, authors and teachers took time to remember Schaeffer. We here at noticed the trend early and posted updates to our fan page every 15-30 minutes throughout the day. It was a day to remember, with so many significant reminders of what Schaeffer meant to those who his thought has impacted. It was a wonderful collage of writings that served to affirm that Schaeffer is still respected. Here is a list we collected in case you missed this huge "splash" made on the web this weekend. There may be more, but this is what we found:

Friday the 27th

Kingsmeadow Study Center, Parish Presbyterian Church  & Cor­ner­stone Pres­by­ter­ian Church, launched their "Schaeffer 100" celebration.
Dr. Grant displays the Schaeffer 100 Cake.


Saturday the 28th
  • Francis Schaeffer Studies began posting updates and video segments on the Francis Schaeffer Centennial mini-conference.

Our video on the Francis Schaeffer Collection 
at the L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture.

Our video on the new True Spirituality studies coming this year.

Sunday the 29th

The Schaeffer 100 conference post pictures on Facebook:

Click Image To See the Facebook Album

Monday the 30th, Schaeffer's Birthday
(note: not chronological)

Francis Schaeffer Studies releases first pictures of the Centennial Celebration.
Pastor Tony Felich of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, "Happy Birthday Francis Schaeffer," on the Reepicheep Blog.
A letter to Francis Schaeffer from R.C. Sproul Jr. on his 100th Birthday.

Remembering Francis Schaeffer - Made Alive With Christ Blog.
SEBTS post a comment from David Wells, as it begins it's 100 days of Schaeffer:
100th Anniversary of Francis Schaeffer's Birth by Nathan W. Bingham
Francis Schaeffer and a World in Desperate Need
By Lane T. Dennis, PhD, Crossway, President and Publisher -
Crossway Publishers on Francis Schaeffer's 100th - ~ In honor of Dr. Schaeffer many of his works are marked down to just $3.99!
Here are some great resources on Francis Schaeffer plus a chance to win his Complete Works.
100 Years of Francis Schaeffer - Faith Radio -
Author Don Sweeting: Remembering Francis Schaeffer: On The Occasion of His 100th Birthday
We featured our video on the Francis Schaeffer Collection at the L.Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture at SEBTS.
The Gospel Coalition - Francis Schaeffer - 100 Years -
Francis Schaeffer 100 years -
Pastor Tony Felich of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, "Schaeffer On The Gospel" on the Reepicheep Blog.

VIDEO: Francis Schaeffer - 100 Years - Stand To Reason, Greg Koukl
Nancy Pearcy is on "Chris Fabry Live!" to talk about the 100th anniversary of Francis Schaeffer's birth.
Nancy pearcy was on Faith Radio to talk about Francis Schaeffer's legacy.
How Francis Schaeffer Saved My Saved Soul ~ Tim Challies' mother:
Rick Pearcy: How was FRANCIS SCHAEFFER different from the Evangelical Machine?
Happy 100th Birthday Francis Schaeffer! From Christian Heritage UK
Francis Schaeffer - 100 Years - Frank Gantz
VIDEO: Francis Schaeffer -- 100 Years by Jason Burns
Francis Schaeffer at 100 - Daniel Silliman
Francis Schaeffer at 100, and Edith Schaeffer’s wonderful note to me. Francis Beckwith
Happy Birthday, Francis Schaeffer - The Get Anchored blog. -
The Baptist Bulletin offering free reprint of Schaeffer's address “An Examination of the New Modernism," August 1950.
The shepherd poet: centenary of Francis Schaeffer:
More Portuguese Schaeffer celebration!


Tuesday the 31st

Covenant Seminary shares the "Legacy Project" interview with Dr. David Calhoun on his friend Dr. Francis Schaeffer (we are very honored).

SEBTS L. Russ Bush Center for Faith & Culture, continues it's 100 Days of Schaeffer, with contributors from various scholars.