Friday, June 28, 2013


(Note: Please download the audio here if you encounter problems with the player.)

After the passing of Edith Schaeffer on March 30th of this year, there were several services in her honor. The first of which were arranged by the family in Gryon, Switzerland and St. Paul, MN, with a graveside service in Rochester. Thereafter, in the following weeks, one significant service took place in Rochester, MN, her home for many years. It was one of two services arranged by L'Abri in her honor, the other was arranged by the Southborough branch in Massachusetts.

For many, traveling to these beautiful services was not convenient or possible at the time, yet thankfully L'Abri Rochester has graciously allowed us to post the service. You will be blessed by the beautiful music and wonderful speaking with insights into her life and legacy. Click on the image below to see pictures from the service.

List of Performers and Speakers

Click to view photos of this event.

Cheryl Stewart & Bryonie Moon violin & piano

Jock McGregor – Director L’Abri, Rochester, MN

Larry Snyder – Former Director, Rochester, MN

Mrs. Kaye Peng, Rochester Chinese Church

Larry Snyder

Cheryl Stewart & Bryonie Moon

Mrs. Dorothy Prentice

Prof. Jerram Barrs – Francis Schaeffer Institute

Rev. Chris Harper – Trinity Presbyterian Church

 Special Thanks to Larry J. Lorence (audio) and Jerome Monsen (photos) and L'Abri Fellowship.